Everyone knows by now that sugar and sugary foods cause a plethora of health problems. As Halloween approaches, many wonder how they can avoid high-sugar content while also keeping the delicious appeal of the Halloween alive for themselves and their kids here are some alternative ideas.
1. Popcorn. Fill Halloween baggies with unsalted, unbuttered popcorn, along with condiment containers full of home-made dry seasoning.
2. Honey Sticks. A sweet treat with healthy beneficial properties that make it a fantastic alternative. You can buy them from your local beekeeper or even online.
3. Fruit Leather. A delicious alternative to a candy bar.
4. Trail Mix Packs. Individual packages of trail mix (like peanuts, tree nuts, and dried fruit) can be bought at any local grocery store.
5. Glow Sticks and Bracelets. Both kids and parents alike love this Halloween candy replacement! These glow sticks will make children easier to see while out trick or treating at night and are also a fun alternative to traditional candy or food items.